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Hello STs! We hope you had a chance to enjoy some downtime yesterday during the snow day! This week's news blast will contain essential information about Gateway 2, as well as some updates on the syllabus and SBS.

Gateway 2!

Gateway 2 observations are being scheduled as we speak and begin today and go through 03.30. For Gateway 2 all Gateway 1 components are evaluated and 8 additional components are evaluated as well (see chart below).

As with Gateway 1, FEMS will conduct your observation and debrief with you after your scheduled observation. During that debrief, the FEM will share evidence and scores for each rubric component, and then discuss next steps with you and your CC.

Performance Improvement Plans
If you were not provided with a Performance Improvement Plan after Gateway 1, but you do not meet 3 or more benchmarks in your Gateway 2 observation, you will be provided with a Performance Improvement Plan to help support your growth between now and Gateway 3.

If you were provided with a Performance Improvement Plan after Gateway 1, and you meet all Gateway 1 benchmarks, but do not meet 3 or more unique Gateway 2 benchmarks, your Performance Improvement Plan will be revised to help support your continued growth between now and Gateway 3.

If you were provided with a Performance Improvement Plan after Gateway 1 and do not meet 3 or more Gateway 1 benchmarks during your Gateway 2 observation, your Gateway 2 scores will be forwarded on to New York City Teaching Academy program staff who will review your scores and communicate to you any interventions or next steps.

Unit Plan and SBS!

Unit Plan Draft Due Dates
You must provide your Final Unit Plan Draft to your CC no later than Monday, April 23rd. STs who do not meet this deadline will receive a Professionalism FYI Level 3, which will result in a Professionalism Concern Letter. It is important that this deadline is met so that CCs have time to review the Final Unit Plan Draft and can subsequently provide targeted revisions and field any questions about the draft.

Attending CC Sessions
The week of April 23rd, you will be asked to attend the CC Training Session (led by the Lead Coach at your Teaching Academy) wherein you will have the opportunity to spend some dedicated time receiving targeted feedback on your Final Unit Plan Draft from your Collaborative Coach.

Final Teaching Portfolio
Your final teaching portfolio (inclusive of your unit plan) will be due to your Lead Instructor no later than May 17th. For details about the full final teaching portfolio, please see your SBS syllabus. In addition, on April 12th this assignment will be discussed in detail in your SBS.

SBS Syllabus
Please note that the week of April 16th, SBS will be offered on Wednesday and Thursday in order to allow you to attend another hiring fair that Tuesday. A detailed invitation will be sent out much closer to the actual date of the event.
